Internet security tips – What is Microsoft EMET?

As the everyday PC user has more and more software on their computer originating from vendors big and small, the likelihood of an exploitable...

Help! I’ve lost my files

We’ve all endured the horror of losing a file. Be it due to a PC freeze-up, an all-out crash, or the Blue Screen of...

Why Creative Cloud Is So Unpopular

Back in May, Adobe announced that Creative Suite 6 would be the last time licenses would be on offer for sale, and that Creative...

Microsoft patches Office 2010 for one last time

Good news everyone: Microsoft has just released the latest and probably the last service pack for the three-year-old Office 2010 suite. Service Pack 2...

Which Browser?

 With a wealth of browsers to pick from, it’s getting harder and harder to decide which one is best suited to your particular browsing...

Quantum Computing (a short introduction)

Quantum computing is a very, very new and exciting area in the computing realm. Whilst it still has its hurdles to overcome, we are...