Staying Anonymous While Browsing


With the technological advancements in monitoring and tracking software, governments, businesses and hackers can follow every move you make on the internet. This means it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain your online anonymity.

Our movements on the internet are becoming more tracked every day, not just by governments but also by businesses who create targeted ads based on our online activity. While no platform can deliver complete anonymity all the time, there are web browsers such as Maxthon that allow for customizable added layers of protection to help you go about the internet without being followed by tracking devices.

So, here are a few tips and suggestions on how you can ensure that you stay anonymous while browsing the internet.


Web browser Maxthon offers unique advantages through its personalized toolbars and integrated search engine. Maxthon is concerned about its user’s internet security and anonymity and has a safe icon feature which indicates if the website you are looking at is a validated website. It also has an ‘Ad Hunter’ feature which blocks pop-up ads that appear without losing access to any content.

Maxthon ScreenshotMaxthon is compatible with every operating system and your personalized browser settings sync to all the devices that you use Maxthon on, which ensures your anonymity and protection no matter where you are.

This web browser protects your internet browser history as it has features which allow you to manually delete your search history but also provides the option set up automated deletion of your history as soon as you shut down the browser.

Commonly Used Tracking Methods

While the term cookie sounds like a treat, in the computer world, web browser cookies, formally known as HTTP cookies, are the data that is created and sent to your computer when you visit a website. Therefore, your computer holds important information regarding your internet history.

Cookies exist so that a website can keep a track on your site visits and your activity on a website. Sometimes cookies can be helpful as they will remember your log in details for a website which can save you from inputting it each time you visit. But you may want to disable cookies if you don’t like this feature or want to stay anonymous while browsing.

Another commonly used tracking method is IP tracking. Your IP (Internet Protocol) address is a numbered label to each device which follows your online activity and discovers your location. Every time you connect to an internet server, your IP address is received. This allows for IP tracking to occur. While IP tracking can sometimes be used for diagnostic purposes, it can also be used for geographical purposes. IP tracking is also a method used for websites to develop targeted ads for you based on your past internet activity.

Benefits of Maxthon

The different Maxthon web browser features allow for a rotating proxy network which changes your IP address for every connection you make. This ensures that no IP address is left behind or can be traced which helps to maintain your anonymity while browsing.

While there are various types of proxies, Maxthon’s feature of rotating proxy servers are beneficial as they allow you to bypass any blocked websites that you come across and helps protect your information from potential hackers. Cyberthreats such as hackers are much more of a problem than you may realize, so it is important that you use the security features provided by Maxthon.

Rotating proxy networks can also be a great way to access blocked content because of your location. Servers can see your geographical location which may mean that online content is restricted due to copyright or network rules and regulations. However, with Maxthon’s rotating proxy network you can set your location to anywhere in the world to make the content available to you.

Ultimately, through using Maxthon and its additional security features, you can protect your IP address by making it untraceable. While you may have nothing to hide about your internet activity, we could all do without the pop-up ads that are targeted to us based on our recent usage or purchases that get in the way while we are browsing. Using Maxthon is a great way to avoid these.

How to Set Up Maxthon’s Proxy Setting

As the Maxthon browser is very easy to navigate, which is one of the reasons why it has become so popular, it is a very straightforward process to set up. Here is a step by step guide on how to set up Maxthon’s proxy setting:

  1. Launch Maxthon
  1. At the top right-hand corner of the browser, you will see the symbol of three horizontal lines. Click on this and then click on settings.
  1. On the left-hand side of the screen you will see the subheading ‘Advanced’. Click on it.
  1. Scroll down to the section labeled ‘Proxy Settings’. You should have either ‘Use IE proxy’ or ‘Check Use’ custom setting boxes selected. Then select ‘Manage Proxy’.
  1. From here you can use the IE proxy setting to select the internet properties on your computer. An internet properties box should open.
  1. You will now need to change your proxy settings. Select ‘LAN Settings’ and then click in the box that states, ‘Use a proxy server for LAN’. You will know when you have done this as your Address and Port information will now be clear for you to see.
  1. Now enter the IP address and port number and press OK.
  1. There is also an additional setting available for you change the proxy settings on Maxthon if you are using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or Dial Up. In this case you would select the VPN/Dial Up option, or you could add it in settings.
  1. Make sure you click ‘use proxy server for this connection’ or the settings won’t update.
  1. Here you can enter the IP address details (as well as username and password) and then click OK.

This easy step-by-step guide to setting up Maxthon’s proxy setting is a simple way to keep your internet activity safe as well as protecting yourself from the government, hackers or businesses gaining access to your private internet data.

The anonymity that is provided by using Maxthon’s web browser is an essential aspect to your internet activity. It is so easy to set up a proxy on Maxthon, but the benefits can be endless. While there are different ways to protect your anonymity when browsing, the easy navigation provided by Maxthon is accessible to all internet users of different abilities. So, be sure to use the Maxthon web browser and all its additional security features to ensure your peace of mind when browsing the internet.