This patch corrects a number of issues with Hitman Blood Money for PCs. It is intended for the English language version of Hitman Blood Money do not install this patch if you have a non-English version.
Crash Fixes:
- Fixes crash when firing weapon on shaderquality medium on FX cards.
- Fixes lighting issues when running on shaderquality medium FX cards.
- Added Shadermodel select to GFX Configuration application (if model is unsupported then defaults to High).
- “SliOverrde” command added to GFX Configuration application. Select this option to turn off autodetection of Sli as EnableSli command is now performed automatically if SLi hardware configuration detected.
- Soft shadows and hard shadows were incorrectly labelled in the Render Menu.
- Installs msvcr71.dll in to application directory in case file is missing from system.
- Removed optimisation where character models were displayed in LOD3 when redrawn after leaving the screen.
- Fix to the low performance problems that have been experienced on some hardware configurations.
- After extended play sessions game could crash to desktop when transitioning between levels.
- Items could become stuck in mid-air if game was saved and then loaded directly after a throwing action.
- Hitman Logo on Main Menu could disappear at 1280x720 resolution.
- Screen borders on cutscenes could be displayed badly at certain screen resolutions.
- Game could crash if menu is invoked on death sequence after a 3 headshot revival has been performed.
- Game could crash if when loading and saving within certain locations after making changes to render options.
- Fix to blurring of Weapon Upgrade Icons when running at LOW in render options.
- Fix for very occasional graphics corruption when using fibre-wire in 1st person and moving camera very quickly.
- Fix for slightly oversized Red dot scope zoom.
hitmanbloodmoneypatch12.zipFILE SIZE
Hitman Blood Money (full version)VERSION
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