Tricks and Tips of Professional Video Editing


Marketers are continuously looking for skilled video editors who can captivate their target audience on social media platforms. There is a massive surge of professional video editing services, especially in the online marketplace. Video editors must keep themselves updated about the latest tips and tricks to stay ahead in the competition.

1. Use the Best Hardware

Using a fast computer will not make you a good video editor. Along with a good computer, you must use productive storage devices that will help in increasing RAM. While creating professional videos, make sure that you have the best quality processors and graphic cards along with a fast computer. Using the best of video tools gives professional editors more time to think of the best storyline.

2. Choose the Right Tool

Using an efficient tool is one of the wisest tricks of professional editing. There are many video editing tools available in the market. Try your hands on various video maker tools to choose the one best suited to your needs.

3. Master Keyboard Shortcuts

One of the main strategies of quick video editing is to try and save time while creating videos. For this, a video editor must be thorough with the keyboard shortcuts at the time of video editing. All professional video editors always prefer to use keyboard shortcuts rather than using a mouse.

The best way to make yourself aware of the keyboard shortcuts being a beginner is by taking the help of a cheat sheet. It acts as a reference to all the keyboard shortcuts till you get all the shortcuts on your fingertips. If you are adding basic actions like cutting odds, playback, or cutting, always prefer to do it with the help of keyboard shortcuts. Keeping this sheet will help improve the quality of editing and saves a load of time as a video editor. You can also purchase editing keyboards that are designed especially to offer convenience to video editors. Keyboard little expensive but worth using.

4. Familiarize Yourself with Video Lingos and Sound Techniques

If you are serious about the video editing profession, you must learn the technicalities of using sound. It is one of the most crucial factors in the process of video editing. Also, you must know video editing languages like montage, J and L cut, cutting on action, jump cut, match action, match cut, etc. With the help of this language, the editor makes an easy interaction with the clients when explaining the storyline.

5. Make Use of the Cut Action

If you are a professional video editor, you should understand when to add cuts or angles in the scenes. Using the strategy of cutting midway works better than keeping things in static mode. Always use cut action when you find that the subject is moving. The most important cuts of video editing are a montage, J cut, Match cut, or match action.

6. Use Good Music

One of the best ways of increasing the video reach is using a good piece of music that connects well to the storyline. As a professional editor, if you are using any lame music, it will not work. Always buy the license of the music you are using. The reason is that the quality of the music and video gets hampered. Using this technique will make the video dynamic.

7. Proper Organization of the Video Clips

For smooth running of videos and their synchronization, learn to organize the video clips and footage properly. Always keep separate folders for video clips, images, sounds, music, and export at the same time to prevent clip loss. Name all the exports using the correct format so that it matches with the corresponding version number. It makes the latest version easily identifiable.

8. Work on Adequate Color Corrections

As a professional editor, make sure that your video focuses on the best color baseline. Editors decide well all the places where the basic color correction is needed. It will take place before creating a final version of the video, i.e., raw format video. Manipulation is easier in RAW format video as compared to other video formats.

9. Go for Easy Graphics and Subheads

To add a professional touch to the videos, you must add engaging graphics and adding reliable text. Always keep the text simple and graphics clear. It is only possible when you keep yourself updated with the latest techniques.

10. Use the Right Format to Export the Video Files

This trick works after the completion of the entire video editing. The process takes place after the video is exported and saved in the dashboard. The editor must keep in mind factors such as resolution, frames, bit rate, codec, etc., while formatting a video because formatting plays an instrumental role in matching the video compatibility with social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.

11. Learn to Be a Good Storyteller

A good video is one, which can convey the message effectively. Even if you are technically sound, you need to be a good storyteller. Video editing is about expressing a marketing or promotional story using video clips, images, sound, and music. So, in short, the storyline is the backbone of professional video editing. The storyline helps the video editor decide the right cuts to make the video more enjoyable and effective for the audience.

Bottom Line

If you keep these tips and tricks in mind, no one can stop you from becoming an expert video editor. The scope of the video editing business is huge, and once you master the art of making videos, there is no looking back. There is a lot of scope in video editing if one understands the best ways of using the latest video techniques.