Make Most of Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Training & Practice Tests with These Tips


Passing the Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate test coded SAA-C02 without AWS training is not possible as exams are very extensive and demand great competency on modules. AWS classroom training puts great focus on this aspect and makes a candidate exam-ready in no time. But, to reap the benefits of AWS classroom training or practice tests’ preparation, you must be ready by all means. Having the right equipment and setting will enhance your training experience and help you grasp the crux of the matter of this assessment easily. So, if this is the first time that you’re going to avail , then these tips will surely help you yield maximum output.

Understand Types of Training

The AWS classroom training is available in two formats: in-person and virtual. In the first training method, the candidate has to register with the basic IT concepts certificate that is offering in-person training at a location near you. It is ideal for candidates who feel comfortable in learning an environment that is engaging and allows interacting directly with the trainer and fellow peers. However, it’s not accessible everywhere. Only selective locations are covered under this training program. On the other hand, virtual training can be accessed from anywhere all over the world. You don’t have to step out of your house to learn as world-class training will be expertise protocols for businesses to your doorsteps. It can be accessed in remote locations as long as you have an active internet connection and meet all the technical requirements.

Meet Requirements for This Training

Both in-person and virtual classroom training has some basic requirements. Thus, if you want to make most of your virtual training, you must meet these basic technical requirements. Without meeting them, you will face problems accessing the applying operational procedures which are key parts of the whole training. Here are the technical requirements that every training candidate should meet:

  • A laptop or PC with wired/wireless internet access;
  • Outbound access to the following TCP ports:

3389 – RDP;

22 – SSH;

80,443 – web;

4172 – Amazon Workspaces (for the instructor);

Understand Cost

AWS classroom training is not free of charge. One has to pay for the registration for both the training modes. The price for those options varies from training to training so you must check the cost factor before making the final decision if to enroll in it or not. Other than classroom training, AWS offers digital courses which are totally free of charge. But, when a hands-on lab session is included in the digital training, it comes with a fee.

Use Reliable Practice Tests

Your training sessions for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam will be only half good if you’re not reinforcing your learning with the help of practice tests. Since the current exam version is SAA-C02, consider using the prep material and mock tests in particular, for the applying talents as it’s the basis. Such files are an ideal way to testify all your knowledge and skills and analyze where you stand as of now. To access practice tests, you need an active internet connection, a PC or laptop, and simulator software. However, try to opt for reliable sites only if you don’t want to waste your time & money.

Wrapping up

The right kind of AWS training and practice tests will help you gain great competency in the Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam topics and will lead you to score passing grades in it. But, you must ensure that you’re making most of these useful resources by meeting all the basic requirements that also make part of this huge process: earning the demanded badge from Amazon.