iTunes 10.1.2 for Windows


This download of iTunes 10 will update the core iTunes software and includes the latest version of QuickTime. It includes support for Windows 7, the newer iPhone, iPad, various iTunes Applications, iPod Nano including the iTouch, new touch screen nano and older video models, and iPod Shuffle models – new and old. iTunes 10 also adds a feature called Ping which allows you to share your reviews and purchases with friends. iTunes 10 also retains the rather unpredictable Genius function and a DJ function.

The Genius feature will use music from your existing library and attempt to compile playlists of what you may like. The first time you run Genius, it may take over an hour to determine what music is likely to appeal to you. It testing, we didn’t find it that helpful.

iTunes 10 takes a while to install on a PC and will need at least a dual core 2 processor to play HD videos – but hardware requirements are lower for simple music playback and iPod syncing. In the iTunes 10 release, Apple fixed a range of bugs that kept causing iTunes to crash, not sync playlists correctly with certain iPhones/iPods and addressed other sorts of irritations that seem to plague their software on a regular basis.

New in itunes 10.1

This release fixes a number of bugs and adds new features including AirPlay, iOS 4.2 compatibility, the option to hide or disable Ping (thank god) and – for those still wanting to use Ping – it adds Twitter integration.

The download of iTunes 10 can be used to upgrade an existing version of iTunes (such as version 9 or earlier) or set up iTunes 10 on a new PC.

The older 4GB iPod Shuffle series required iTunes 9 but can easily be used with iTunes 10.


iTunes Setup.exe


Windows 7, Windows XP or Windows Vista

DOWNLOAD iTunes 10.1.2 for Windows