Acrobat 4 Update 2 for Window


Update 2 will fix a problem that causes Acrobat to crash when exporting multiple pages to Level-1 EPS. More importantly, it patches security vulnerabilities due to buffer overrun attacks. This problem could allow a malicious user to crash a program or run unauthorised code. If a malicious user were to create a specially devised PDF file and it was then viewed in Acrobat reader, the file could crash the program or run an arbitrary code on the computer. Update 2 is a cumulative release – you do not need to install Update 1 first.

Previous fixes in Update 1 fixes (included in this patch)

The first update addressed a number of problems in Acrobat while installing the English version of the Web Buy plug-in and its associated files. This plug-in enables you to acquire and open Acrobat Web Buy PDF files. The specific issues addressed are:
  • Incomplete FDF (Form Data Format) data sent in Internet Explorer after a post.
  • Errors when using the Touch Up tool on some Adobe PDF files created by Adobe InDesign.
  • Crashing if new Kodak dll files had been installed.
  • Crashing upon startup if the Text-to-Speech function is enabled.
  • Errors when clicking a Web link in an Adobe PDF file to view in Netscape Navigator.
  • Errors with Administrator versus User privileges using WebBuy and read-only media.
  • Permissions for folder in WinNTProfilesAll Users is changed to All.
  • Error, 'Insufficient Memory,' in Adobe PDFWriter when the Compression or Font tab is selected (Windows 2000 only).




Windows 95/98/NT4/2000
Acrobat 4, Acrobat Business Tools 4 or Acrobat Reader 4

DOWNLOAD Acrobat 4 Update 2 for Window