Windows 7 64-bit, Vista (32-bit), Vista (64-bit) and Windows Server 2008 Security updates and patches for 2010


These downloads are Microsoft’s 2010 monthly security updates for Windows 7 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit and Windows Server 2008 (plus other Windows Operating Systems if needed – which is very handy if you have to update different releases across a network). The list starts from the most recent release and goes backwards down the page. You will need to also download the 2009 patches – see the Windows section for a complete listing. The monthly updates listed are the official Microsoft security update package in .ISO format, A few are updates are in the standard MSU format.

The downloads are typically quite large as they contain every patch released in a particular month for all supported Microsoft operating systems – including Windows Media Player updates (the smaller individual patches for Windows XP 32-bit and Windows 7 32-bit are available in the Windows section).

The files that are in ISO format can be burnt to a CD/DVD, virtually mounted or opened with an ISO viewer. If you have no experience with ISOs, Google can answer most questions. The ISO’s have the advantage that they can be used on all Operating Systems from Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 right through to Server 2003, 2008 and 64-bit releases. The disadvatage is that they are huge (typically ranging from 500-1500+MB for each month).

Really important stuff to read first
Clicking a link will start that months’s file download from the official Microsoft Servers. If you haven’t already dones so, you must first install the Windows Vista (or Server 2008) Service Pack 2. Optional updates, drivers, hotfixes and critical releases for Office or other Microsoft products are not included here and must be downloaded separately. For important information about patching your system or months with no listing, see this page.

Security Updates: December 2010 Security Updates: October 2010 Security Updates: September 2010 Security Updates: August 2010 Security Updates: July 2010
In July 2010, Microsoft did not release an ISO for that month's patches and decided to issue separate updates for each affected operating system (they all addresses the same vulnerability in the Canonical Display Driver - KB2032276). The vulnerability didn't affect Vista or Windows 7 32-bit. Security Updates: June 2010 Security Updates: May 2010 Security Updates: April 2010 Security Updates: March 2010 Security Updates: February 2010 Security Updates: January 2010


Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista (with SP2), Windows Vista 64-bit (with SP2) and Server 2008 (with SP2).
Note: these update packages can also be used for other Operating systems - see below.