The main features of this Intellipoint/Intellimouse update are to support Windows 7, allow button assignment, increase scrolling support for more applications and add newer hardware releases to the package. IntelliPoint 7.1 also offers biometrics support for advanced identity management. The download contains drivers for most newer types of the Microsoft branded devices. However, not all mouse products supported. That is, the update will not work for a product deemed ‘unsupported’ by Microsoft.Here is the list but check with Microsoft if you have any questions:
MicrosoftFILE NAME
IPx86_1033_7.10.260.0.exeFILE SIZE
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.Intellipoint or Intellimouse device.
DOWNLOAD Intellimouse and Intellipoint Mouse Drivers 4.12 update for Microsoft pointing devices