Adobe Acrobat Professional 6.0.1 update

This Acrobat 6.0.1 update provides additional compatibility and fixes known issues, including Acrobat commenting, accessibility and support for multimedia. It also improves compatibility with...

Photoshop CS2 9.0.2 update

According to Adobe: 'The Photoshop 9.0.2 update includes all the fixes contained in the earlier Photoshop 9.0.1 update. Therefore, it is not necessary to...

Windows Media Player MPEG-2 and DVD Video Decoder Utility

This free DVD and MPEG-2 utility from Microsoft is designed for systems running XP with Media Player 10 installed. Here's the low-down from Microsoft:'The...

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Build 3810

This download fixes known security issues with Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and can be applied to Windows 95, 98, Me, NT or XP...

CorelDRAW 12 Service Pack 1 (SP1)

This update for CorelDRAW 12 includes the following fixes:Cropped bitmaps maintain their cropped state after an effect is applied. Resolution settings are maintained when you...

Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5 update for Windows

This Acrobat 5.0.5 update provides additional compatibility and fixes known issues, including support for Windows XP and better integration with Microsoft Office XP.It is...

Microsoft .NET Framework runtime files 3.5 (SP1)

The .NET Framework 3.5 Serice Pack 1 (SP1) runtime file package includes everything you need to run applications developed using Microsoft's .NET Framework programming...

Free virtual CD ROM for Windows 2.1

This free program for Windows lets you create a virtual CD drive on your hard disk. Some visitors to the site have confirmed the...

HP CoolSense – Latest version

HP CoolSense Technology is a feature in some HP notebook PCs that combines hardware, software, and mechanical design to dynamically manage the temperature of...

Photoshop CS2 9.0.1 patch

The Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0.1 update patch fixes numerous bugs discovered since the release of the program including:Photoshop no longer hangs for several seconds...