Adobe Acrobat Professional 6.0.3 update
Before installing this patch, be sure to update Acrobat to 6.0.2 (you need to apply the 6.0.1 patch, then the 6.0.2 patch before this...
Flash Player
Adobe Flash Player is a multiplatform client runtime. Web users must download and install Flash Player to view and interact with SWF content.
Java(TM) Platform SE 7 U45
Next Generation Java Plug-in 10.45.2 for Mozilla browsers
Java Deployment Toolkit
The Java Development Toolkit is a very useful tool, used by Java applets and applications to help manage getting the right version of Java...
Shockwave for Director
Shockwave Player displays Web content that has been created using Adobe Director.
QuickTime Plugin
The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages.
Google Earth Plugin
An exciting way to discover our planet in a 3D environment.
With Microsoft Silverlight you can watch videos in high quality HD.
Office Web Apps Browser Plugin for Firefox
The Office Web Apps Browser Plugin installs an add-on that enables Office documents to be opened directly from Firefox into the appropriate Office desktop...