Before installing this patch, be sure to update Acrobat to 6.0.2 (you need to apply the 6.0.1 patch, then the 6.0.2 patch before this one) – all Acrobat updates are listed here. This Acrobat 6.0.3 update update addresses multiple known issues in Adobe Acrobat 6, including the prevention of malicious content in Flash media embedded in a PDF File, vulnerabilities in the PNG library (libpng version 1.2.5) that could be exploited with malformed PNG images and an issue with how the eBook plug-in works with *.etd files during eBook transactions.
Note: This download is for the full version of Acrobat 6 Professional only (not the free Acrobat Reader program).
Acro-Reader_6.0.3_Update.exeFILE SIZE
Windows 98/Me/2000/XPAcrobat 6.0.2 (full version - English)
DOWNLOAD Adobe Acrobat Professional 6.0.3 update